Star Wars Games

Meeko Ghintee

Meeko Ghintee was a Muttani criminal wanted for multiple counts of larceny and murder. An escaped convict from Oovo IV, he stole a ship and set out continuing his criminal ways, which now included rigging beast fights.

During the hunt for Komari Vosa, Meeko was rigging beast fights in the pit fighting arena, Jango Fett found him in the rafters. After a lengthy chase through Merchant Row and the Outland Station Docking Bays, and a battle between the two, Meeko was captured, sent back to Oovo IV, and Jango claimed the bounty of 5,000 credits.

During his escape from Oovo IV on the tail of Bendix Fust and a female bounty hunter, Jango came across Meeko and a gang of inmates trying to use a mining vehicle to escape. Another bounty was placed on Meeko's head; 10,000 credits dead for killing a prized Borhek. Despite sporting a Heavy Gun, Meeko and his gang of inmates were slaughtered and the bounty was claimed.

